
Black Widows and Other Invertebrates 
23 January 2014 

Why are we still calling suicide bombings “terrorism”?  The term implies some sort of political agenda associated with the act; innocent people terrorized for some constructive reason. The classical terrorist terrorizes people to compel them to do something they otherwise would not do. 


No no no. This is 2014. As Volgograd and Boston and Madrid and now Cairo prove, this is just brainless killing for no apparent reason. Suicide bombers do not leave notes. The lunatic organizations they belong to generally do not issue manifestos before or after the explosions. Nobody says: "...do x immediately or else y will happen." 

No. We are in a new era. 21st Century humans are spectacularly comfortable with simply slaughtering and maiming as many of their innocent neighbors as possible for no particular reason. 

We should stop using the term: “Terrorist”. We should start using the term: "Insane Mass Murderer".

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