
Mirror of America!

Here's What We Have Devolved Into - Way Down Deep in Our Heart of Hearts


  ...about 50% of us.  And yes, the Founding Fathers are spinning in their graves

Here's the problem no one in the media seems to want to talk about: 

There are have been thousands of Trumps throughout history.  Loud, ignorant, low-class egomaniacs who vault themselves into prominence via wealth and media coverage.   Nothing new about that, and nothing rare and special about this Trump.  What is new is the depthless stupidity of the people who think he is some kind of messiah.  That's the real embarrassing and depressing issue.

And now as all the cryptofascists, neofascists, ultranationalists and blatant racists begin strutting around in full sunlight for the first time in decades, the solid core of White America cheers itself hoarse.  Unfortunately once the "people have spoken" we look like a third-world nation of arrogant and violent morons.

"...death's head upon the wall, afield lies nothing but disorder, no good can come of this, whatsoever I can tell you..."



Fretting Over Demitasse Etiquette While the Barbarians Rape and Pillage

Friday the 13th,  2016

While I'm happy to call myself a Progressive, I'm becoming increasingly uncomfortable with being a "Liberal".  The reason is that Liberals now spend an inordinate amount of time worrying about niceties and nonsense while howling madmen, shrieking with bloodlust, are battering down the gates of civilization.

I mean, for God's sake, hooting ISIS subhumans are sawing the heads off children and gleefully posting the videos to YouTube, while Liberals have better things to worry about, like the transgender rights of morose self-absorbed teens in North Carolina.

Federal Title 9 requires the abolishment of sex discrimination, which is a "good thing".  However, what is a "stupid thing" is extending Title 9 mandates to the point where serious federal dollars are spent fighting heartland America over which bathroom tetchy adolescents should be able to use at their schools.

We have a multi-billion dollar USCIS which is one of the most deplorably broken and incompetent federal agencies on the planet, we have an utterly porous immigration system that allows in terrorists and abusers and punishes law-abiding applicants, we have one of the most poorly educated populations of any "first world" nations, and now in consequence of the above, we are looking at unarguably the least qualified and potentially most dangerous Republican candidate for president in the past century.

Utopian refinements of our basically primitive nature are important and good and needed, but let's save them until the world is a bit safer and more civilized eh?    Alas, poor Lavoisier!




Just watch them all line up behind the unbelievably ignorant foulmouthed neofascist demagogue while millions of morons cheer themselves hoarse.

  • The Shrieking Harpy who continually played to troglodyte mentality and won almost every time!

  • The Bloated Boss who fixed the tollbooths and anything/anyone else that bothered him!

  • The Reality Show Phonies who make millions off the manipulation of reality as a career anyway.

and now...!
  •  The Aging Rich Boy Darling of the Bush Era who served the other Rich Boy manipulators and liars  

There is just no bottom to the stupidity of voters in the USA.

Just none.

Want to know who we really are as a people?  ...at least a huge silent majority of us?   Just look at the bids for the gun Zimmerman used to kill his very own uppity nigger.


Cryptocybernomia Obscurus

 "...Because our options have changed."

Noun:  /cryp’do bt̬b.si.bærn.ə.tmy a
(The art and practice of preventing access to key persons and corporate employees by concealment: 1) behind impenetrable websites and 2) behind endless automated synthetic voicemail routing systems.)

Cryptocybernomia obscurus is the sociopathic corporate practice - pandemic in the 21st Century - of preventing direct access to actual individual humans lodged within a company or organization.  CO is a particularly useful blockade in the case of callers wishing to discuss some issue related to their interactions with that company or organization.  
A notable recent case was an unaccountable overcharge of fifteen thousand dollars on a $41.53 website hosting invoice.  The victim was able to get as far as the third abrupt disconnection from yet another robotic voice advising him to please select from one of eight different slowly-explained systemic possibilities "...because our options have changed..."  before suffering a fatal apoplectic seizure. 



Noun  /su’do.ri.æl.ə.t̬o.phili.
(Trans: the compulsive desire to stare at small screens)

A severe neurological disorder, pandemic in the 21st Century, in which the patient avoids observing and interacting with the immediate environment by focusing all visual, auditory and tactile attention on small beeping electronic devices manufactured in China. In its terminal phase the patient is unable to ride an elevator, run on a treadmill, walk down the street or drive an automobile without repeatedly and nervously taking out one of several devices and staring at it for as long as possible.  At present, the only known treatment is a widespread and enduring power failure although this frequently leads to confusion, disorientation, uncontrolled weeping and thoughts of suicide.  Some patients will recover sufficiently to notice that trees have leaves and oncoming buses can be dangerous to health.