
Bad King Donald Trump Looked Out...


(Apologies to "Good King Wenceslas")

Don the president looked out, on hordes who called him saintly,

"You and you are fire’d … (said he)… for praising me too faintly.

I will deep six any-one who scoffs at my commandments,

I’m your president, no, KING!,  The rule of law be damn’d. Ho Ho!"

Then little Adam stood and said, "Enough! We’ll throw you over,

We’ve got you quite red-handed now, ADMIT the whistle-blower,

You’ve been involved in crim’nal acts, agains the poor U-kranians,

Putin cannot save you now, the truth will pull your reins in! Ho!"

Donny said, "You scare me not, my cultists re-ly on me,

I will just arrange a hit through sleazoid Giu-liani,

I am not concerned at all - by your impeachment fol-lies,

MAGA’s a great stand-in for…Deustchland Uber Alles!

The G-O-P imploded then, in spite of Trumpist money,

And quid pro quo was soon eclipsed by crimes not quite so funny,

They scrambled like rats from a ship, ho-ping for futures sunny,

Yet the senate went from red to blue, in fall of 2020 - Oh!

Now peaceful calm reigns everywhere, all honored new and shiny,

And Don no longer tweets nonstop while kissing Putin’s heinie,  

Yet Santa-Claus forgot him not, while jingle bells were ringing,

A lump of coal he brought to Don while stopping down in Sing-Sing. Oh!

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