


Just watch them all line up behind the unbelievably ignorant foulmouthed neofascist demagogue while millions of morons cheer themselves hoarse.

  • The Shrieking Harpy who continually played to troglodyte mentality and won almost every time!

  • The Bloated Boss who fixed the tollbooths and anything/anyone else that bothered him!

  • The Reality Show Phonies who make millions off the manipulation of reality as a career anyway.

and now...!
  •  The Aging Rich Boy Darling of the Bush Era who served the other Rich Boy manipulators and liars  

There is just no bottom to the stupidity of voters in the USA.

Just none.

Want to know who we really are as a people?  ...at least a huge silent majority of us?   Just look at the bids for the gun Zimmerman used to kill his very own uppity nigger.

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