
Turkeys in de Road!

29 February 2014

We live in a part of New England where it is not uncommon to find large families of these throwbacks to Cretaceous theropods lazily walking down minor highways, scavenging for nuts and roadkill offal.  They were so happy and lazy about it this morning I thought the incident should be commemorated in song.  

You all know the tune.......:

Whi-le driving back from bus-stop I saw Turkeys in the road, 
So I slowed right down and went to CAUTION mode,
But another guy was coming fast and wanted to get there,
So I put on my flashers and I yelled: BEWARE!

Turkeys in de Road...
Up Ahead!

Turkeys in de Road..
Doan make dem dead!

Let them walk about, get fatter now, without no fear,
Thanksgiving isn't coming until late this year. 

Turkeys in de Road...
Up Ahead!

Turkeys in de Road..
Doan make dem dead!

Let them walk about, get fatter now, without no fear,
Thanksgiving isn't coming until late this year. 

etc. etc.   Thank you and good night.

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